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Federal Reserve Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan’s testimony on the current economic outlook and fiscal issues.
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New York Times With Albany Mum on Same-Sex Marriage, New York Gay Advocates Look to Courts – just some food for thought. Tuesday’s topic.
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NYTimes.com No Chads, at Least, but Confusion Is Likely as New York Goes to Polls
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Thanks to Bethany Ingro, Unit Director of the Newfane Boys and Girls Club, Brian Hellner, and Gary Krasinski, CPO of the Northtowns Boys and Girls Clubs for spending part of…
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USATODAY.com Conservatives want Reagan to replace FDR on U.S. dimes. I know I’ve linked to this story before, but I’m going to talk about it today, so I thought I’d…
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CPA-Iraq.org Homepage of The New Iraq. We’re talking with these people this morning.