Actions have repercussions. If you go outside in the rain, you’ll get wet. Play in traffic and you might end up in the hospital. Hang out in boxes and you may very well get shipped to Amazon.
That’s exactly what happened to Galena, a six-year-old cat belonging to Carrie Stevens Clark of Utah.
Somehow Galena had snuck its way into a box that Clark was returning to Amazon and the cat went along for a ride. A rather long ride from Lehi, Utah to an Amazon distribution center in Jurupa Valley, California — west of Los Angeles.
Fortunately, the cat was found by Amazon workers and taken to a veterinarian who read Galena’s microchip and got ahold of Clark.
Clark and her husband Matt made the 626-mile drive to Jarupa Valley and met up with Galena at the vet’s office. Their reunion was filmed and posted on Facebook.