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Democratic Underground Decisive or Divisive? – What is George W. Bush, anyway?
Democratic Underground Decisive or Divisive? – What is George W. Bush, anyway?
CNN.com Kerry blasts “crooked Republicans.” Ya know, he keeps talking like this, I might just eventually LIKE this Kerry guy.
Dialog Poll The new question – Should the Newfane School Board drop its charges against US&J reporter Mark Lindsay?
Slate Bush misleads public on Kerry’s record … Hmm … has Bush ever mislead us before?
Slate Bush’s new ads are high on fluff … low on substance. While I may not have a problem with the use of Sept. 11 in the one ad, I…
MSNBC Feb. 29. Leap Day. Celebrate it, won’t you?
Federal Reserve Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan’s testimony on the current economic outlook and fiscal issues.
New York Times With Albany Mum on Same-Sex Marriage, New York Gay Advocates Look to Courts – just some food for thought. Tuesday’s topic.
NYTimes.com No Chads, at Least, but Confusion Is Likely as New York Goes to Polls
Thanks to Bethany Ingro, Unit Director of the Newfane Boys and Girls Club, Brian Hellner, and Gary Krasinski, CPO of the Northtowns Boys and Girls Clubs for spending part of…