Brewing 111512
Obama reminds us that he won. The Buffalo News reminds us that they’re irrelevant and some guy reminds us that men can be really stupid.
Obama reminds us that he won. The Buffalo News reminds us that they’re irrelevant and some guy reminds us that men can be really stupid.
Voter apathy and the case against the Electoral College.
Some people in Texas want to start their own country? Best of luck with that!
Like many of the pundits that you see on TV spouting off about politics, I went to school for journalism and political science. Unlike (seemingly) many of them, I was…
Did the voters give Obama a mandate? Or will he have to remain the “compromiser in chief?”
We know the numbers from the election. But what does it all mean?
It’s Election Day in the U.S. One final show before we crown the (new?) president tonight.
I have an incredible memory sometimes. While most people are able to recollect experiences, I can remember the calendar dates of those experiences.As such it seems like it’s always an…
Polling update. Sandy’s influence on the election. And WTF is wrong with people?
Why I’m “wasting” my vote … and why you should, too.