Dialog “Podcast” Page … : scottleffler.libsyn.com. I told you last week to watch for a web-only announcement. This is it. If you happen to miss the show on the radio, it will be available later for download from Liberated Syndication through ScottLeffler.com. Now, my hope is to get each show up later that day, but that’s not always going to happen. Also, I’d like to slowly get older shows posted so that you can download whatever show you’d like. Keep in mind, the sound quality is “okay” but not great. If you want a better quality show, I’ll burn a CD of any show you want for a mere buck (just covers my costs). If you click through on the link above, the shows are available on the page that will load. Unfortunately, they’re not in order at the moment. Eventually, I’d like to streamline the operation. But I said it’d be announced this week … and I didn’t want to make a liar of myself. To those of you who have been asking for this for quite some time, I hope this helps … and quit yer b*tchin’. 🙂