Every so often, I check the statistics on my podcasts.
About a year ago, I moved my Dialog podcasts to WLVL’s podcast service at the suggestion of station owner Dick Greene … in part as a means to give people more of a reason to visit WLVL’s web site.
Since starting at WECK, I have a new problem … the podcasts for Reason don’t belong on WLVL’s pod-service … and WECK’s isn’t up and running yet. But I thought I was doing some good stuff and was recording everything anyway, so I wanted to make those episodes available.
So, I posted them on my old pod-server, which I’ve maintained in order to make sure all those old episodes of Dialog are accessable. Since I had downgraded my service when I started posting to WLVL’s, I only have room for about 8 episodes at any one time.
Anyway, I checked my stats today and as of 7 p.m., there had been over 1,700 downloads today … the second highest in the history of ScottLeffler.com. Much of that, the stats indicate, is due to the interest in my interview yesterday with Jesse Ventura. I’m hoping, obviously, that the new listeners turn into regular listeners – not just of the podcast, but of the actual show, which I – of course – do daily from 10 to 11 a.m. on WECK AM 1230.
I’m in the process of booking many guests – both for WLVL and WECK. My trip to New York was very fruitful for my ability to line up unique and entertaining guests. And I continue to reach out to local politicians and community leaders to give their take. Next week, I’ll talk with Erie County Legislator Bob Reynolds and “buy American guy” Todd Lipscomb.
If you haven’t been keeping up on the LCTV issue with Tom Christy, I highly recommend that you go use Google News to search for LCTV. And prepare to be disgusted. Once again this week, the Niagara County Legislature fiddled while free speech burned. The admitted (before retracting) that they were part of the problem, but refuse to be part of the solution because they don’t want to “micromanage.”
In one of the local TV stories for this topic, I was on camera. Channel 4 featured me sounding like a complete loon. Thanks. 🙂
The GOP – on a local blog, which they claim is an effort to “promote civil discourse” – have been foaming at the mouth over this. The organizers of said blog were instrumental in having Tom removed. And are now saying that everyone should stop whining. I hate hypocrites.
WLVL had a series of meltdowns today, causing me to have a very long work day. I don’t like actually having to work. Why else would I have gone into radio? Anyway, the phone system blew up. And the computer blew up. I think the phone works again, although I didn’t have much to do with fixing that. I put a bandaid on the computer and think it will kind of fix itself at midnight when it resyncs. But I’m not sure. Cross your fingers for me, okay.
And while you’ve got your fingers crossed, pray for the Sabres … cause I really want to watch some playoff hockey. And I’m not sure what I’ll do if the Sabres aren’t at least in the first round. Cry, probably.