News, notes and necessities

items of interest the week of June 1, 2009

News: Monday: Bob Confer returns to the airwaves this week after a break. We’ll talk with Bob about that break and why it was good … plus we’ll discuss state government and all that is wrong with it. Well, not ALL that is wrong with it. We only have Bob for 15 minutes or so.

Notes: You may have noticed that the website is down, but you can still access the blog directly. I have – once again – started paying attention to the blog. Forgive my disappearance.I’ll have the website back up soon, I hope, but it’s non-functionality also means that my regular email address is down. For the time being, please use Thanks.

Dialog airs on Hometown 1340, WLVL at 11:11 am Monday through Friday. It can also be heard on Podcasts of the show are available for download at, as well.

Necessities: Also, even though the main website is down, you can still access, read and post to the forum directly. Just click here.