I’m a sucker for click bait just like the rest of you. Much as I try to avoid or ignore it, I’m constantly sucked in by stupid stuff on Facebook with “30 things not to say to your girlfriend” … or whatever. And after the first page of four items, each moderately funny, you’re treated to one item per page for another 26 pages. I usually bow out after that first page of four. But I do like me some funny.
Today I’ve got some videos to share with you — things I’ve voiced in the past few days. One of them is a mix of clever and funny (my favorite) and another has the most adorable baby squirrel. Plus there’s a whole whack of other things because not everything can be cute or funny.
Let’s start with the most recent offering from Econ Cow, “More Ways to Break Tied Elections (Voting #6).” I’ve mentioned this series before, which I enjoy for a couple reasons: 1) Politics, yay! 2) It’s put together in a very amusing manner.
Next up is the cute baby squirrel video from Did You Know. Just look at all the cute:
I’m not sure that the last picture really hit me like a bag of bricks … but that’s how marketing is done these days. I just read words out loud. Did You Know features three new videos each and every day — all voiced by yours truly.
Defense Updates also has a couple new videos up, including this one about the tense peace between Russia and China:
Of course, much of what I do never lands in a place when I see it. But it’s out there. Somewhere. If you run across something that I voiced in a weird place, do me a favor and tell me about it.
Eight minutes until Monday and I’m about to settle in for a long night of reading words out loud. But thought I’d share a few recent ones with you — it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve done that.