I’ve used the same personal logo for nearly 20 years. No, really. My friend Karen designed this in 2005.

Well, to be fair, she designed the microphone part. I added the headphones after All WNY Radio was born the following year. But that’s stood as my personal logo for nearly two decades. It’s adorned business cards, postcards, this website, my invoices, etc.
But lately I’ve been working on brand images for my new side projects, Life Story and Here’s the Thing. Each already had a logo. But I decided to add headphones to them to make them more consistent with other All WNY entities, like Stop Book & Listen. I also had to design a landing page for a new tap-to-phone business card I got from Mobilo (really cool, by the way).
And I figured, while I was at it, I might as well freshen up the OG logo. But I really liked the old one, so I wanted to keep it as similar as possible. And I came up with the following:

Homage clearly paid with with a new microphone and font.
While I was at it, I made a couple minor changes to this site, as well, adding a pop of color and fixing an image overlay thing that’s been annoying me for quite some time.
So … whaddya think? I ask mostly facetiously, as I’ve also turned off comments on the site due to an overwhelming amount of spam (and a few just disturbing comments that I won’t go into).
Anyway, thanks for tuning in. Talk more soon.