The City of Grand Rapids, Michigan offered tips to residents to “avoid the wrath of red-winged blackbirds.”
The tips include:
- Give plenty of distance between yourself and the nest whenever possible.
- Take an alternate route
- Wear a hat when walking through a nesting area
- Keep in mind that when we’re in parks, we’re sharing territory with wildlife
In other words, “stay away from birds and wear armor.”
It’s solid advice, of course. But it makes one wonder if maybe what they’re really saying is, “There’s no point to trying to cohabitate with these bird-terrorists. Just give up.”
According to Michigan TV station, WZZM13, “The nesting birds will sometimes swoop and squawk at unsuspecting walkers along the Grand River in Canal Park and Sixth Street Park.”
“They usually nest in trees along bodies of water. Male birds tend to be more aggressive,” the TV station added.
Social media users confirmed the terror that the birds are inflicting:

Maybe dressing like a blackbird, as the City of Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation suggests will work?