I think most of you know this by now, but for those who don’t …
I’m no longer employed by Greater Niagara Newspapers and the Lockport Journal.
And as such, I’m out trying to find myself a job – a daunting task for someone with a degree in Journalism and Political Science, and for the most part … no real talent.
And while I’d like to stay in the media business, it’s not like newspapers are drug stores and they’re building new ones on every corner. So, it’s a bit difficult.
In the mean time, I’m considering other ventures that I’m qualified for. Or at least think I can do.
Some of my skills or abilities include public relations, marketing, management, and other general duties.
And I’ve often considered a job in public relations … something more normal than that of a news boy.
So when I found an ad in WNYJobs.com looking for someone to do marketing and public relations in an Amherst firm, I was rather pleased.
But I’ve seen job ads for “marketing” before and know that it often means “sales,” something I’ll be the first to admit, I’m none-too-good at.
That’s why I called and made sure that it really was a marketing job … not sales … before I sent my resume in.
“Well, sir, we do have sales jobs, but we’re really looking for someone for marketing and public relations right now,” said the woman on the phone. Stephanie was her name.
Excellent – resume went out with the next batch of email.
Next day I got a phone call from Stephanie and scheduled an interview. Went in for the interview and met … I think his name was Anthony.
- “Hi William, I’m Anthony. How are you today?”
- “Good, yourself?”
- “Excellent. Now, I’ve been looking at your resume, William. And I notice that it’s very journalism heavy. Why, all the sudden do you want to go into sales?”
- (ARGHHHHH!)”No, not sales. Public relations and marketing. Definitely not sales.”
- “Well that’s a shame, William. Because the job we have is in sales.”
- “Then I’m in the wrong interview. Have a good day.”
And that was it. Three minutes tops. Shortest interview of my life.
I got a great offer from a national company … whose name I won’t say, but their logo is a bullseye. They wanted me to stock shelves … for less than I made in high school. Don’t think so.
And that company’s application process was kind of a pain – all on computer right in the store. Funny questions, too. I highly recommend the experience.
Oh, but my new favorite was the application I put in at a local grocery store … not one in Lockport, though. (that almost narrows it down, doesn’t it?).
Anyway, there was a question on the job application that said, “Type of job desired.”
What the heck does that mean? I put “Fun and exciting,” although I don’t think that’s the answer they wanted. Who designs these things?
And why do these job applications want to know what elementary school you went to? And they always ask if you graduated. Who didn’t graduate elementary school?
I tell you, it’s a truly frustrating process.
I have one VERY good lead (I think) and a few other positive notes on some jobs that I wouldn’t hate doing.
So for those of you pulling for me (I have gotten some emails from people who want to see me do well), thank you.
I’ll be sure to keep you updated.
Oh, and would you like fries with that?