Hard to float without a life vest
Last month, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo suggested increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $8.75. Not to be outdone, in his State of the Union address,…
Last month, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo suggested increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $8.75. Not to be outdone, in his State of the Union address,…
Is it just me or did John Boehner remind anyone else of Pennywise during the State of the Union speech? John Boehner (left) and Pennywise. Separated at birth?
People’s senses are different — Smell, taste, vision, and touch. We all perceive things differently. I can’t stand the smell of limburger cheese, for example. But I love the taste…
Topics included no mail on Saturdays and the Boy Scouts anti-gay policy. Plus some Assemblyman called Andrew Cuomo “Hitler.” And a judge in Florida overstepped his bounds. +Al Gritzmacher joined…
The USPS claims immunity to state and local laws. And the feds claim they can kill Americans overseas who pose and “imminent threat.”
I’ve long mocked the birther movement — you know, that group of people who claim that President Barack Obama is a Muslim communist born in Kenya and then smuggled into…
Birthers have company in the crazy wing of the GOP. Not everyone wants women in combat. And random facts.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says the Constitution is dead. And the Boy Scouts may reverse a policy banning gay scouts and scout leaders.
I’m really excited this week because there is a new topic in the world of politics. I was getting a bit brain-numb on the topics of gun control and the…