We are citizens — not subjects
The NSA scandal rolls on and government types on both sides of the proverbial aisle continue to support this atrocity that turns the people of the United States from citizens…
Narrator / Publisher
The NSA scandal rolls on and government types on both sides of the proverbial aisle continue to support this atrocity that turns the people of the United States from citizens…
Another week has come and gone and another political sex scandal has steeped. This time with former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner — again. Weiner is fighting like mad to…
I believe Denis Leary put it best when he said on Twitter, “Remember – if you see a Sharknado, stay in your car and do not follow it. Unless you…
Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer has decided to jump back into the political arena, running for New York City controller. Apparently “The Steamroller” — or “Client #9” if you prefer —…
I don’t like being told what to do. I live life by my own rules and I answer to no one but myself. I like it that way. I also…
I tend to tell people I’m a writer — as opposed to calling myself a journalist. There are a few reasons for this but it primarily comes from me not…
The United States Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely “levying War against , or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” FBI Director Robert Mueller said…
If you feel at times that there is an us vs. them society in New York state, you’re not crazy. In fact, the New York state Senate just voted to…
I took some photos at Monday night’s car cruise in Lockport. You can find a few of them online on the US&J’s webpage.