Can you hear me now?
Some topics seem to stir debate no matter what. Religion. Abortion. Flag burning. Language. Language? Yes, language. Monday I got a phone call during my show from Joe in Tonawanda.…
Narrator / Publisher
Some topics seem to stir debate no matter what. Religion. Abortion. Flag burning. Language. Language? Yes, language. Monday I got a phone call during my show from Joe in Tonawanda.…
Ah, July 4. Independence Day. The time of year we Americans celebrate our ever-dwindling freedoms. You know the ones: Freedom of speech, as long as it is in line with…
Some things never cease to amaze me. Take as an example that a “children’s book” sold 5 million copies on Saturday alone. Amazing. Another example is that kids age 3…
Some people seem to be under the impression that “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” is a mere book. They’re wrong. HP5, as many people are calling the…
A conservative talk show host rips into a tree-hugger on live TV. Meanwhile, half a world away, innocent children are ripped into shreds by a bomb made in Littleton, Colo.,…
Recently a rapper who goes by the name Paris unveiled new album. The record, entitled “Sonic Jihad,” shows a picture of a jet liner flying into the White House. On…
Last week the president signed a bill that will reduce taxes by $350 billion over 10 years. That signature triggered a process that will result in a check for $800…
Michael Powell think’s he knows what’s best for you. The son of Secretery of State Colin Powell seems to have mastered a core Republican philosophy: We’re safer without safeguards. The…
As I put together Monday’s Union-Sun & Journal, it struck me what I was doing. If you’ll take a look at page A8 of that publication, you’ll notice a theme:…
Political machines are figuring out which cogs they want to endorse for this November’s elections – specifically county-wide elections. Perusing some of the endorsements, I was surprised – or dismayed…