According to Newsweek, former governor, former wrestler, and former Dialog and Reason guest Jesse Ventura is now mulling over a new job: US Senator from Minnesota.

Ventura, whose eclectic jobs include Minnesota governor from 1999-2003, book author, movie actor and wrestling champ, turns 57 on July 15–coincidentally the same day as the filing deadline for the Senate seat. Living part-time in Mexico, Ventura says he hasn’t yet decided what he will do.

If he does take the plunge, he would face incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken of “Saturday Night Live” fame.

So obviously, if Ventura runs, it’s a three way race, making it much more interesting, and giving him a real shot at the seat.

I haven’t yet got the Venura interview on my pod-server … but if you want to listen to it, here it is from WLVL … it’s about half way through.