I know in WNY we seem to think that our politicians are extra stupid … but really, they’re like this everywhere. Take for example, this story in the Washington Post about the DC Common Council fighting with Congress over the time bars can close during the week of the inauguration:

Council member David A. Catania (I-At Large) said mockingly: “We have members of the United States Senate who have nothing better to do than lecture us how to conduct our ABC regulation. That’s really extraordinary. You wouldn’t think that with a war, nuclear proliferation, an economic meltdown, they’d think, ‘Oh, we can do something about bars staying open from 3 to 5!'”

Between you and me, I don’t have any idea why bars would need to sell alcohol until 5 a.m. … but I also don’t see any reason NOT to let the local municipality make that decision. I don’t think Congress really needs to get involved.