I don’t do a lot of voice acting for games. But I did some work for a small part in the newly released Vaporum: Lockdown. And maaaaaan, it looks fun.
I remember back in the days in the 6th-floor computer lab in Amstutz Hall at Ashland University staying up late playing Wolfenstein and Doom. Those first-person “dungeon crawler” games were so much fun. And they really changed computer gaming, I might add.
Well, Vaporum: Lockdown is similar in that it’s an RPG dungeon crawler and the graphics are super cool. But there’s more to it. It is, some 25 years on from Doom, after all.
I play the role of Ron Harrow — a supporting role with just a few lines. But it gives me the opportunity to get my voice into some ears that might night have heard it before.
Lockdown: Vaporum was developed and published by Fatbot Games and is available for Windows via Steam. Check the teaser trailer below: