Brewing 100312
Presidential debate drinking game rules and the “game changing” Obama that was a complete non-factor.
Presidential debate drinking game rules and the “game changing” Obama that was a complete non-factor.
I find that every so often, my phone needs to be factory refreshed. I feel like installing and uninstalling apps must leave bits and pieces that never get erased because…
Not really a show. Just an apology, really, for the fact that it’s NOT really a show. And for yesterday’s failure to record. Check back tomorrow.
I was incredibly fortunate growing up. I lived in one house from birth until I left for college. My parents were always married. I had two loving sisters in whose…
Lots going on in this show. Recorded at 3 a.m. because I had an appointment this morning which interfered with the normal 12:30 p.m. start time.
Romney’s “gaffe,” stupid voters and the NFL’s need for action.
I don’t want to confuse anyone into thinking that I’m a Barack Obama, fan, but the more Mitt Romney talks, the more I like Obama’s chances of being reelected.As for…
Mitt, Ann, Barack, Bill, Hillary, Lynyrd and the Confederate flag.