Random thoughts on state of society
The debate over health care in this country has gone from bad to worse, with accusations bandied about by both sides, saying that the GOP hates women and that the…
Narrator / Publisher
The debate over health care in this country has gone from bad to worse, with accusations bandied about by both sides, saying that the GOP hates women and that the…
Think Mitt’s worried yet? Just remember, from this point on, a vote for anyone other than Mitt Romney is a vote for a brokered convention. And a vote for a…
These search terms got people to this website this week. The karma thing is kind of funny. I can’t help but wonder why someone got her via “paris sonic jihad.”…
Got a super cool new app for my phone called Pixlr-o-matic. Some of the features are INCREDIBLE. (and it’s free) For more photos from today’s trip to the railroad tracks,…
Same photo … taken from five feet apart. Beautiful … BEAUTIFULLY HILARIOUS …
This week’s column in the US&J, Tonawanda News and Medina Journal-Register talks about the “loons” who blame the president for everything, particularly highlighting gas prices. Here’s a couple news articles…
The more I hear people complain about Barack Obama, the more I like the guy. Now to be clear, I didn’t vote for him the first time. I don’t think…
Santorum’s in the lead in Ohio. Robo-Romney can’t be pleased. If Ohio stays purple at the end of the night, Romney’s gonna have some serious heartburn.
Rush Limbaugh has stepped in it again. The question is, will he be able to step out of it? Or were his comments about Georgetown student Sandra Fluke too far…
To paraphrase Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, anything different is good. So it’s fun when every four years the calendar is suddenly out of whack and we throw in an…