I’m really hoping to raise more money this year for the Olcott Lions Club Swim for Sight Polar Bear Swim than I have in years past.

So far, I’ve got $110 in pledges ($65 actually in-hand), which is a good start … Last year, I raised almost $300. I need to beat that total.

The Polar Bear Swim, for those of you who don’t know … or for those who don’t know what I’m talking about … is when a bunch of (typically) drunken idiots jump into Lake Ontario in March. This year it’s March 5th at 2 p.m. Usually, March in Niagara County is pretty damn cold, but this year, who knows? Hundreds of people do it annually, but most actually fundraise very little. In fact, most of the people I know give very close to the $10 minimum. As you can tell, I’m not happy with the minimum. Below is a picture of some of the people who participated last two years ago … My profile pic is of me two years ago … appropriately titled, “drunk before noon.”