Everyone I talked to today seemed to have a story about either pigeons or sea gulls. I might pick up the Wimbledon story tomorrow on Reason right where I left off today.

Thanks to Norm Palmer, Pat Burke and Roy Macaluso for coming in to WLVL’s studios and talking about Lockport’s Athletic Hall of Fame induction coming up in September. (photo at right)

I booked North Tonawanda Mayor Larry Soos for next Wednesday on Dialog. Actually, next week is pretty booked for Dialog … and pretty empty for Reason. I’ll work on adding some guests for Reason tomorrow.

I did some web editing tonight. I updated the “about” page and added a bunch of guests on the “guests list” page. I’m through 2005. I hope to get 2006 done by July 1. It’s not a promise, but it is a goal. Another goal is to fix and update the “photos” page. Soon. I promise. I also made the microphone in the top left corner link to the WECK stream. If you click it, it should open in your media player of choice.

My truck just needed a battery … but I found out batteries for big-@ss trucks are a lot more expensive than for cars. Nonetheless, I feel better. Maybe I didn’t have bad karma (check the comments in the previous post).

Finally, the poll has less than 24 hours. Would you ride Metro Rail if it were extended? Vote if you haven’t already. New poll tomorrow night, I guess.