Reason today started on a serious tone, discussing Buffalo urban blight and what the city should do about it. But it quickly turned to the bird war and other things of interest. The photo above, is of a plane that apparently collided with a bird mid-air. It’s not the only case of birds gumming up airplanes. Interestingly, in both stories, the airlines won’t acknowledge that birds are the culprit. Is there a conspiracy? Lesley joined in briefly to talk about an incident she saw Sunday at the Bisons game. Then we switched topics again – this time to the new words in the dictionary. One of those words is “mondegreen,” meaning a phrase or lyric misunderstood. KissThisGuy.com highlights several “mondegreens.”
Interesting to note: after Monday’s show concluded, Fox News reported that Barack Obama’s plane had to make an unsuspected landing. Birds have not been blamed … but I have to wonder.
Must have been an ostrich…oh wait, they don’t fly….hmmmmm