Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th, 1856 in the village of Smiljan in the Austrian Empire – in what is presently Croatia. He was born shortly after midnight –…
‘Down at the Park’ Kindle series now available
About a decade or so ago, my friends, George Root, Craig Bacon and I wrote a series of short books with each person building on what the previous person had…
Everything you always wanted to know about Groundhog Day
For reasons that are difficult to explain, I have always loved Groundhog Day. Even before the 1993 movie came out, I liked it. So I was especially jazzed when the…
New side project
If you know me, you know I wear a lot of hats — figuratively and literally. In addition to doing narration, I own and operate a number of websites and…
Too many videos!
Many of you surely know that I have worked as a narrator for the past few years and that if you go to the “Narration” tab, you can learn more…
New Brothers Grimm chapter added
One of my many side projects I’ve worked on over the years is a little something called “Stop, Book & Listen.” It’s a collection of audiobooks on YouTube. I have…
You should check out Vaporum: Lockdown
I don’t do a lot of voice acting for games. But I did some work for a small part in the newly released Vaporum: Lockdown. And maaaaaan, it looks fun.…
A little help from my friends?
So I’m hoping you might help me with some homework for a project I’m working on. I cannot divulge yet what the project is. But I’m kind of excited about…
Coming out of my shell …
The past couple days of “relative normalcy” have been a lot to process. For the past two+ months, I have — for the most part — been in isolation. In…