This morning on Reason …
I’ll be talking about a recent column by Michael Niman … and discussing it with Dr. Niman himself. This gist of the column: Put down the Kool-Aid and think about…
Narrator / Publisher
I’ll be talking about a recent column by Michael Niman … and discussing it with Dr. Niman himself. This gist of the column: Put down the Kool-Aid and think about…
A forum post this morning makes my point for me about the anniversary of the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2008. I don’t think anyone has forgotten what happened … nor…
I’ve already seen about 40 images of the World Trade Center this morning … and I’m already sick of the patriotism I’m told I’m supposed to have today. Heaven forbid…
Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., I’ll be interviewing author and commentator Katherine Debrecht about “the Palin effect,” and putting lipstick on a pig. Katherine has been my guest twice before,…
I’m already sick of hearing about John McCain complaining that Barack Obama called Sarah Palin a pig … but as details trickle in about previous uses of the expression ……
According to a story on Rochester Turning, the Democratic Party – which had pledged its full support to Jon Powers – has now offered that support to Democratic Primary winner…
One of the biggest stories last night was Jon Powers – the endorsed and union supported Democrat – crashing and burning. The Democratic nomination that was theirs to lose ……
I subscribe to a list of food recalls from the FDA. Seldom do they contain things of local note, but the below may affect you: Voluntary Recall: Wegmans In-Store Made…