I’ll be liveblogging election results along with some of the folks over at WNYMedia.net tonight beginning at 9 p.m.
All you have to do is be here and watch us blog away … and feel free to offer your own input by creating a user name and jumping in.
Tom Christy will join me in studio tonight … as will Niagara County GOP Chairman Henry Wojtaszek.
Thanks scott, im not able to be in the area due to education reasons and i appreciate you bringing this info live over the net.
So Scott,
I can’t believe you did not do a post Primary on Wednesday – I sick and tied of Niagara County’s 200th already.
So what’s the back line story from last night – Tom Christy and Henry Wojtaszek ticket sounds more like a cage match than else.
Do tell……………
The Historical Society has that slot. Sometimes the timing doesn’t work out, but such is life. I talked politics on WECK at 10 a.m. and was hoping people would listen in there.
As for Tom and Henry … they actually got along pretty well other than that time Tom got testy with Henry for not naming a percentage. But there was no animosity off air.